martedì 9 settembre 2014

The Radio Free Asia - Olivia 32-2000

Hello friends,
The Radio Free Asia Cantonese Service is transmitting Olivia 32-2000, centered on 1500 Hz, according to the schedule below.

This table corrects the frequencies at 1458-1500 UTC sent in my previous email:

​UTC Dates​                 1458-1500 UTC​       2258-2300 UTC

​Tuesday, 9 Sept           13595 kHz​               15270 kHz
​Wednesday, 10 Sept    13585​                      15280
​Thursday, 11 Sept       13595​                       15290
​Friday, 12 Sept            13585​                       15300
​Saturday, 13 Sept        13635​                       15380
​Sunday, 14 Sept          13700​                       15390
​Monday, 15 Sept         13585                       ​15260

 All frequencies are via Tinian, Northern Mariana Islands. Today’s transmission at 1458 UTC on 13595 kHz was successfully decoded in Japan, the Philippines, Finland, Greece, and California – and probably other places I haven’t hear from yet.


By IK1XPK, Claudio

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