lunedì 5 gennaio 2015

K1N Navassa Island

K1N Navassa Island Press Release
It is now about 4 weeks before K1N goes on the air. The exact date of departure from the staging area will be dependent upon a combination of the date U.S. FWS transportation is available and upon weather windows.  It is looking like K1N will be QRV the first two weeks of February.

Most of the team have their bags packed and are ready to go. Because of the helicopter logistics, this will be a no-frills-minimum-comfort operation for the team. Meals will be MRE’s. The container has been organized for a quick camp setup and quick radio/antenna setup to take advantage of every moment. It is estimated there will be two full days of helicopter shuttles to get everything needed to start operations. A small team of FWS personnel will accompany us, including armed Federal Law Enforcement Officers. Efficiency is not just for the team, but also for the DX community.  It has been over 22 years since Navassa was activated and USFWS will not allow another operation for at least 10 more years.  This is a ONCE IN 32 YEARS opportunity to work Navassa! Everyone can make the most of this opportunity by LISTENING to the operator’s instructions and following the cadence of the operator. We will not be working all modes on all bands, but limiting most bands to a specific mode, so that we can work the pileups down to the last little pistol.

Fund raising has been going well.  The team has contributed about half of the total budget. For those in the U.S., it is possible to make a year-end tax-deductible donation, directed through the Northern California DX Foundation. See our website and follow the instructions on the DONATE tab.

We have a Facebook page to watch and a Twitter feed (@navassa2015) to follow along.

For the KP1-5 Project,
Bob Allphin K4UEE
Glenn Johnson W0GJ
Mike Thomas NA5U

Good DX IK1XPK, Claudio.

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