domenica 22 febbraio 2015

Commemorating the centenary of the First World War


From 2014, the world is commemorating 100 years since the First World War. The WIA have developed a plan that will allow Radio Amateurs to commemorate this event with activities that will commence in 2014.

The major commemoration will commence on the 25th April 2015 which is when Australian and New Zealand troops landed at Gallipoli, marking 100 years since our nation's involvement in the First World War.

The Anzac Centenary is a milestone of special significance for all Australians. The First World War helped define us as people and as a nation. During the Anzac Centenary we will remember not only the original ANZACs who served at Gallipoli and the Western Front, but commemorate more than a century of service by Australian servicemen and women.

The Anzac Centenary Program encompasses all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations in which Australians have been involved. The program of commemoration activities aims to give all Australians the opportunity to honour the service and sacrifice of all those who have worn our nation's uniform, including the more than 102,000 who have made the supreme sacrifice.

The commemoration aims to encourage all Radio Amateurs to reflect upon and learn more about Australia's wartime involvement, its costs and its impacts on our nation.

Amateur radio's role in times of war

Many who fought in the first world war were radio amateurs. A continuing effort is being made to record information about all radio amateurs who served their country during all wars and campaigns. This may take many years.

The WIA Remembrance Day Contest remembers those 26 radio amateurs who lost their lives in the service of this country during World War II. Who were all the others serving during the war? Wartime Amateur Radio magazines identifies early VK2 and VK3 lists. Enlistment in other States was also located. A rough initial count puts it at about 300.

Further investigation of wartime ARs revealed that a column by Jim Corbin VK2YC entitled "Slouch Hats and Forage Caps" contained more information, enabling another 150 or so persons to be added, taking the number to 460.

Then an editorial in AR magazine in June 1940 mentions that over 700 amateurs we're serving. Whichever way you look at it, the Amateur Radio response to the call to serve was significant. If we take the lesser figure of 460, discount those too old, or in the essential services, it is probably fair to suggest that over 50 per cent of available radio amateurs became involved directly in the war effort.

Special Event Callsigns

Ministerial approval has been received to use the word ANZAC for callsign VK100ANZAC as well as State and Territory based callsigns.

Licences for these callsigns will be applied for and paid for by the WIA who has already received ACMA in principle agreement for the use of these callsigns.

Commemorating the ANZAC Centenary--the plan

The framework for the event and the WIA intent for the 2015 ANZAC Commemoration was announced at the 2014 AGM. Several press releases have been circulated since the announcement.

This plan is inclusive of New Zealand and Turkey as well as Australian activities. Other countries who were involved in the Gallipoli campaign have been included. Malaysia and UK have expressed interest.

Use of the word ANZAC
Application was made to the Department of Veterans Affairs for the use of the word ANZAC. Conditional permission for the use of the word ANZAC has been received for use in Amateur Radio callsigns. These conditions are included in the document Protection of Word ANZAC.
Regulations; Statutory Rules 1921 No. 2 as amended made under the War Precautions Act Repeal Act 1920. This will require stations using the callsign containing the word ANZAC to agree to these conditions.


VK100ANZAC Callsign
With Ministerial approval of the use of ANZAC the callsign VK100ANZAC has been applied for, via the WIA Office to ACMA. This application will request a full licence from April 25, 2015 for specific days of ANZAC related activity.

This callsign will be used only on special days/occasions during the commemoration of 100 years since the Australian and New Zealand force landed at Gallipoli.

Expressions of interest to use this callsign are to be made in writing (on line) to the WIA Office from October 2014 and close in February 2015. This allows time for ACMA to be advised of the locations of the stations and the responsible amateurs for licensing purposes.

The WIA Office will coordinate the expressions of interest and advice to the Board. The WIA Board will advise applicants of the success or otherwise of their application for VK100ANZAC.

Use of Callsign VK100ANZAC
The process to access and use VK100ANZAC will be as follows:
Groups, clubs or individuals who wish to use this callsign will lodge an expression of interest to the WIA Office for the use of the callsign.

This application will be on line at the WIA web site.

Information for callsign use must include:
o Purpose for the callsign i.e. the significance of the date. Where possible events should include service personnel.
o Duration of the callsign use
o Date
o Time
o Location where the callsign will be used
o Licenced Amateur with an advanced licence who will be responsible for the duration of the event
o All licence conditions will be observed
o Agreement to adhere to the requirements for the use of the word ANZAC.

The WIA Directors will review applications and allocate VK100ANZAC. The Directors decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

The VK100ANZAC callsign will cease operation on 20th December 2015. The 20th December 1915 was when the last ANZAC troops left the shores of the Dardanelles and is an appropriate finish date.

Requests for use of this callsign after this date have been made and will be considered on a case by case basis.

The WIA will reserve VK100ANZAC for the 25th April and 20th December with a broadcast from Canberra to begin and conclude the event.

VK100ANZAC Station Requirements
  HF with access to all bands
  VHF/UHF access
  Internet availability at the site the station is operating
  A minimum of one operator with an advanced licence and a second person preferably licenced to allow for immediate online logging.

State and Territory based callsigns

To provide maximum participation and access to this event, State and Territory callsigns have been acquired as every State and Territory have requested to be involved in the 2015 ANZAC event.

A callsign for every State and Territory will be available. That is VI1ANZAC, VI2ANZAC, VI3ANZAC, etc. These callsigns would be made active only after the unofficial opening time at 4.30am NZ time but will be required to cease operation to allow for the official opening to be completed.

The ANZAC weekend (25th April 2015) it is preferable for stations to operate from a location of significance.

After the ANZAC weekend the State and Territory callsigns will be available for clubs, groups and/or individuals to use on a roster basis for one week (7 days).

For the individual State/Territory callsigns the following information must be provided to WIA Office on line registration system:
o Purpose for the callsign
o Duration of the callsign use
o Date
o Time
o Location where the callsign will be used
o Licenced Amateur with an advanced licence who will be responsible
o Availability of the Internet for immediate online logging.

The access to these callsigns will be on a first come first served basis. The callsigns cannot be held for longer than 1 week.

The WIA Directors reserve the right to allow or rescind access to these callsigns should this be required.

State and Territory callsigns will cease to be available at the conclusion of the Remembrance Day contest 2015.

During the Remembrance Day contest the callsigns will be allowed to be used and logged, however, no points will be acquired or given for these contacts and these will appear as a log entry only

Recognition and Awards

The WIA will issue a Certificate of Participation for every club, group or individual who participates in the commemoration events.

Special recognition will be made for the Club, group or individual who has the highest number of contacts using the ANZAC call sign during the event.

Recognition for working all Australian States and Territories using the ANZAC call sign and recognition for working Turkey, New Zealand, Australia and one other Commonwealth country using the ANZAC call sign.

Calling Frequencies for 2015 ANZAC Commemoration

7.040 MHz
7.010 MHz
7.095 MHz
10.145 MHz
10.110 MHz
10.120 MHz
14.095 MHz
14.010 MHz
14.250 MHz
18.095 MHz
18.105 MHz
18.115 MHz
21.095 MHz
21.105 MHz
21.250 MHz
24.925 MHz
24.895 MHz
24.935 MHz
28.055 MHz
28.025 MHz
28.450 MHz
50.225 MHz
50.500 MHz
51.150 MHz
145.000 MHz
144.050 MHz
144.150  MHz

ECHO Link will be used by the Turkey Amateur Radio Society on ANZAC Day

Other bands and modes by arrangement.

'73 de IK1XPK Claudio

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