mercoledì 29 aprile 2015



This year 2015, the month of May marks the 150th anniversary of the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention and the creation of the International Telecommunication Union.

To commemorate this important event, the Spanish Amateur Radio Association URE, member of the IARU, launches the following Special Award, available to all licensed radio amateur or SWL worldwide. Will be valid contacts made in any mode or band between 160 meters and 6 meters with the 11 special stations with the prefix AO150. The suffixes of the 11 Special Event Stations are the letters of ITU’s motto for its 150th anniversary


Therefore, the 11 different stations are:

AO150I, AO150N, AO150O, AO150V, AO150A, AO150T, AO150G, AO150E, AO150H, AO150R and AO150U


From 1st (00.00Z) to 30th (24.00Z) May, 2015


Diplomas will be awarded in three different categories depending on the number of special stations AO150 contacted by the applicant (or received in case of SWLs)


Stations in Europe: It will be awarded for contacts with at least 8 different Special AO150 stations, whatever the mode and band.

Stations outside of Europe: It will be awarded for contacts with at least 4 different Special AO150 stations, whatever the mode and band


Stations in Europe: It will be awarded for contacts with 8 different Special AO150 stations, each of them in at least 3 different bands, whatever the mode used.

Stations outside of Europe: It will be required contacts with at least 4 different Special AO150 stations, each of them in at least 3 different bands, whatever the mode used.


Stations in Europe: It will be awarded for contacts with ALL 11 different Special AO150 stations, each of them in at least 3 different bands, whatever the mode used.

Stations outside of Europe: It will be required contacts with at least 6 different Special AO150 stations, each of them in at least 3 different bands, whatever the mode used.

All Diplomas will indicate the Name and Callsign of the applicant and its position achieved in the ranking of his/her DXCC by number of total valid QSO.


It will be awarded a special medallion in high quality crystal, personalized with the engraved name and call to each one of the 25 licensed participants with the highest number of different contacts made with the special AO150 stations in different modes and bands (slots). The modes to be used are: 1.- SSB, 2.- CW and 3.- Digital modes on all of the following amateurs bands from 160 to 6 meters :160m, 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m,15m, 12m, 10m and 6m. One slot is the combination of one of the three modes and each of the ten bands. Duplicated contacts with the same station on one slot (same band and mode) will only count once.

Every trophy will include the number of the position achieved by each of the 25 TOP scorers.

The online query of the log and the position of participants in the ranking of slots can be followed daily on the website of the organization at

The log will be updated every 24 hours. It is recommended to try to repeat the contact if a station is not found in the log. However, at the end of the Award, from May. 31th to June, 15th 2015, any participant can submit reasoned claims if he/she thinks that a QSO is not properly reflected in the online Log.


Petitioners who qualify on each category may download their personalized Diploma in pdf format from the web. Diplomas will be available for download from June 15th 2015. No need to send the list of QSOs since the log will be available in the web. SWLers should send their list of stations received to ITU award and the Diploma will be sent by email.

The 25 trophies/medallions for highest slot scorers will be sent free of charge to each one of the winners to their postal address. The list of candidates to medal will be available on line on the web page on a dayly basis. After conclusion winners must confirm their address to

If a participant wishes to receive a printed Diploma on high quality paper, it can be requested at a cost of €7 (seven euro) for a single diploma. In case the applicant whishes to receive two or three copies of the printed award (e.g. Platinum & Gold & Silver) cost will be €10 (ten euro). Payment can be made by PAYPAL:

See more info at the official webpage of the event.

'73 de IK1XPK, Claudio.

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