mercoledì 8 aprile 2015

Radio Mi Amigo - Newsletter and E-QSL Card

Hello shortwave friends,
we hope you had a nice and beautiful easter weekend and you could spend some time
together with us on the shortwave.
More great news are coming up to you !!! ----- Now we have 22 hours on shortwave every
weekend for you !!!

For the complete program schedule, just go to our homepage:

There you find a lot of interesting things:
---> The complete program schedule for the weekend
---> A Link to listen to the great am-sound on your pc via the Twente SDR Receiver, together
with a short description how it works
---> Live-Internet Streams to mostly all programs
---> A profile of each presenter together with his personal e-mail adress
and lots more........

Please don't forget to write, thats our profit for the work we do every weekend

Here are the new e-mails where you can write to in English, Dutch or German: -->for the english service and don't foget: 
On his show you can have a special time of your live
Just send in your personal all-time-Top 5 to him, and he will play it for you !!! --> for the sunday dutch service to Peter de Wit,
requests and greetings are always welcome --> for the saturday early morning show, you want to wake
up someone with a special song, just write to Ton --> for the german service and all reception reports, they
will be answered with a full colored QSL Card

Have fun, all over the weekend on 6005, 6070, 7310 and 9560 khz.
Reception reports, for the new frequenzy 9560 are most welcome.
....and don't forget........

P.S.: In the next newsletter there will be a big surprise about getting Radio Mi Amigo
articles......stay tuned !

E-QSL Card from Mi Amigo

Good listening fron IK1XPK, Claudio.

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