sabato 2 aprile 2016

Radio Gloria International

Radio Gloria International-RGI-your better music 
station-alternative music radio-Radio Glor

Gloria was born in the beginning of the Sixties, when the „Shadows of Knight“ and „Them“ and the „Doors“ came along with their „Gloria“ - and me and friends, some of „Radio Free
Europe“ sang that song, full of whisky or wine.

In memory of the rich and various music-programmes by the English Service of Radio Luxembourg (until the end of the Sixties) and in partial memory of the pirates (Radio England, Radio Kaleidoscope, Radio Caroline and others), who not always in quality but however in quantity brought some change, Gloria came into being first as a little piratestation in Munich taking over the frequency of Radio England on 227 Meters, which was open since the British Marine Offences Act in 1967.
Lets mention the good Radio Luxembourg-DJs in the Sixties (almost 30):
Colin Berry, Keith Fordyce, Jimmy Young, Kenny Everett, Tony Blackburn, Sam Costa, Barry Alldis, Simon Dee, Keith Skues, Alan Freeman, Pete Drummond, Chris Denning, Pete Murray, Ted Allbery, Johnnie Walker,  Colin Nicol, Paul Kaye, Don Wardell, Pete Brady, David Jacobs, Mickey Most and some others. All of them were specialists in music with their own great and wide choice of music.
The intention of Radio Gloria International was too progressive in these  years, when the official radiostations played the Beatles and Rolling Stones over and over again, but a
lot of other bands didn`t become known; they lacked image, support and a good management. They were in the shadow of the „big beat“, whatever are the reasons for that. Some bands were able to survive (like Genesis or Pink Floyd), many failed. A man of Radio Kaleidoscope said „What people buy doesn`t necessarily reflect what people want to hear on the radio“. And so  DJ John C.Taylor came to RGI and created the word „a-m-radio“. It doesn`t mean medium-wave-radio, but alternative music radio.
Underground was the fate of RGI for a long time. Usual music-radio is a result of dubious demoscopy and computertests. Alternative Music Radio plays music not especially for minorities, but music of good unknown artists with the same quality as the songs in the hitparades or even better.
Ester-Sunday 1976 was a highlight in the life of Gloria: the first SW-transmission in the 49-Meter-Band. Gloria came into being as a symbol for freedom, the freedom of your choice in Europe. This fact was a pleasure for all the good Djs on Gloria like Andy Hamilton, John Bower, Angus McKay (Valentine`s DJ Johnny O`Brian), Tommy White, DX-specialist John C.Taylor, Dennis King (Radio Caroline), Mike Scotland, Dave Hunter, Brian Bishop, Hardy, Mike Collins, Janis Barry  and some others. We can`t forget 1976, the great year, when Gloria has been on the air on SW  every third Sunday of the month as follows:
25 April, 16 May, 20 June, 18 July, 15 August for more than 4 hours, broadcasting with a 50 kw-transmitter from northern Germany.
Darkness came over Gloria, when the GPO caught it nearby Bremen on the 19.September 1976.
RGI started a new in 1978 as an info- and music-station for the German tourists of the Garda-Lake in Italy. It ended in 1984.
After a long period of not transmitting Radio Gloria International started another new in April 2007 to bring you really good music, old and new, regardless of the socalled „Quota“,
RGI is no more a clandestine, haunted and hidden radio. However it takes a lot of money to work really free.

RGI-Radio Gloria International-your better music station-alternative music radio-RGI-Radio


'73 de IK1XPK Claudio

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