sabato 28 dicembre 2013

VOA Radiogram - Transmitter difficulties at 0930 UTC

La mail di Kim

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: Transmitter difficulties at 0930 UTC
Data: Sat, 28 Dec 2013 10:09:47 +0000
Mittente: VOA Radiogram <>
A: VOA Radiogram <>   

If you tried to listen to the new Saturday 0930 UTC transmission of VOA Radiogram in 5745 kHz, thanks!
Obviously there were problems at the transmitter site.  The transmitter was off and on during the half hour, and only a few brief bits of program audio were heard until about 0953, when everything finally operated normally.

I did hear the successful part via the Netherlands SDR receiver, and so did Giuliano in Italy.

Let's hope for better luck next weekend.

Meanwhile, we still have three transmissions this weekend:

Sat 1600-1630 17860 kHz
Sun 0230-0300 5745 kHz
Sun 1930-2000 15670 kHz


Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter
VOA Radiogram

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