martedì 24 giugno 2014

SAQ Extra trasmission and SK6SAQ

Extra transmission on Wednesday 2 July 2014

An extra transmission will be performed on Wednesday 2 July at 14:30 UTC to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the World Heritage appointment of SAQ. We start the transmitter at 14:00 UTC and a test signal will be transmitted from about 14:10 UTC. The frequency is 17.2 kHz CW.
We do not require any QSL-reports on this SAQ transmission and will not verify.


Amateur Radio Station with special event call SK6SAQ will be QRV on the Alexanderson Day 29 June 2014, 08:00 – 14:00 UTC (excepting when SAQ is on air) on any of the following frequencies:
- 14 035 kHz CW
- 14 215 kHz SSB
-  3 535 kHz CW.
QSL for SK6SAQ via SK6DK or bureau.
During the summer SK6SAQ will be QRV on Tuesdays 16.30-19.00 UTC and Thursdays 09.00-11.00 UTC.

The receiver in Twente

In Twente in The Netherlands is a receiver that continuously streams the reception of longwave, mediumwave and shortwave on the Internet. The receiver can be accessed by clicking here. Then type in the frequnecy field 17.2 kHz, in the Waterfall view field click max in, in the bandwidth field click on CW-narrow. If necessary, adjust the frequency to 17.2 kHz. Good luck!



'73 del IK1XPK Claudio

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