mercoledì 11 giugno 2014

SAQ Transmission on 17,2 KHz

Official transmissions

Grimeton Radio Station was listed as a world heritage site because its original equipment is an exceptionally well-preserved example of the development of communication technology. In fact, it is still in working order. Grimeton (call sign SAQ) still transmits a message to the world twice a year: at the Alexanderson Day (Sunday at the end of June/beginning of July) and at Christmas Eve. Next transmission is planned to take place on the Alexanderson Day Sunday 29 June 2014.
Groups can also book an exclusive start-up demonstration as part of their visit to the world heritage site. Contact the World Heritage Grimeton for more information.


Transmissions on Alexanderson Day Sunday 29 June 2014

SAQ will be on air on Sunday 29 June. We try to start the transmitter soon after 08.30 UTC so there will be a test signal from about 08.40 UTC and a message will be sent at 09.00 UTC. A similar procedure will start at 11.30 UTC and the message will be repeated at 12.00 UTC. The frequency is 17.2 kHz CW.

Listeners reports

QSL reports can be given via:
- E-mail to:
- or via SM bureau
- or direct by mail to: Alexander – Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner, Radiostationen, Grimeton 72, SE-432 98 Grimeton, SWEDEN

Note: SAQ is a member of the Swedish Amateur Association (SSA) and ”QSL via bureau” is OK.

'73 Claudio IK1XPK

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