domenica 6 luglio 2014

VOA Radiogram 65° trasmissione * E-QSL

Hello Claudio,
Thank you for your report.
And thank you for the excellent photo of the radio beacon in the bottle.
If you would like to see what your photo looked like as decoded in various parts of the world, download this file...
In each file, the location is usually the ITU code for the country, or 2-letter postal abbreviations for states and provinces in North America.
Attached is the photo as decoded in Japan last Sunday at 1930 UTC. That's about 10000 km from the transmitter in North Carolina.

The QSL is below.

All the best,


KIM (KD6XB) con la solita gentilezza che lo contraddistingue ha inviato la E-QSL della trasmissione della settima scorsa. Oltre alla gradita conferma alla ricezione ha allegato le immagino delle varie "Radio in Bottiglia" ricevute in ogni parte del mondo il tutto scaricabile su

Good DX ! Claudio IK1XPK.

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