giovedì 1 gennaio 2015

VOA RADIOGRAM - FlDigi - 3-4 January 2015

Hello friends,

Because of difficult mid-winter shortwave propagation, one of this weekend's VOA News items will be in MFSK16 (55 wpm), to see if it will provide a more successful text decode than our usual MFSK32 (120 wpm).

The printout of Fldigi,  under its default settings, displays the name of the previous mode rather than the mode that has just started. If you want the name of the just-started mode in your printout and log file, make the following adjustments to Fldigi:
1) Configure > Notifications  
2) Under Event, select RSID Reception
3) Click Add
4) Click the box to the right of "Append to RX text:"
5) This should appear in the box: RSID: $RX_MARKER
6) Click Update
7) Click Close

(Fldigi 3.22.04 is now available from , although this particular update is not necessary for this weekend's VOA Radiogram.)

VOA Radiogram 3-4 January 2015

Here is the lineup for VOA Radiogram, program 92, 3-4 January 2015 (in MFSK 32 except where noted):

 1:44  Program preview
 2:39  Iran expands Internet censorship*
 8:42  North Korea TV ends Russian, Chinese films*
16:40  MFSK16: Spray-on solar panels*
25:46  Closing announcements*
28:14  Bonus mode: Olivia 64-2000

*with image

Please send reception reports to

VOA Radiogram transmission schedule (all days and times are UTC)
0930-1000 UTC
5910 kHz
Gray-line reception possible in Europe this time of year. Asia-Pacific reception also possible.
1600-1630 UTC
17860 kHz
Usually provides the best reception in Europe this time of year.
0230-0300 UTC
5745 kHz
Saturday night in North America. Usually audible in Europe, if you are awake.
1930-2000 UTC
15670 kHz
Difficult into Europe this time of year, but should improve by February. Often audible in southern Asia and the Pacific.
All via the Edward R. Murrow transmitting station in North Carolina.

The Mighty KBC will transmit a minute of MFSK64 Saturday at about 1230 UTC on 6095 kHz and Sunday at about 0130 UTC (Saturday 8:30 pm EST) on 7375 kHz. Both frequencies are via Germany. The content will be the same as last weekend. Reports to Eric: .

Thank you for your reception reports to VOA Radiogram last weekend and throughout 2014. Because of travel, I will not be able to answer reports to program 91 until next week. 

Wishing you good listening, good decoding, and all the best in 2015.


Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter
VOA Radiogram

Good dx de IK1XPK, Claudio.

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