mercoledì 20 aprile 2016

Contest on CubeSat

To celebrate the launch of our second CubeSat, e-st@r-II, we invite the amateur radio community in a contest to listen out for our satellite.
The launch is scheduled on 22nd April 2016, from Centre Spatial Guyanais spaceport in Kourou on-board Soyuz ST-A VS14. The deployment of the satellite will be completed almost 10100 seconds after lift-off!
The competition is divided into two parts, independent of each other:
  • Be the first to send in your recorded signal and TLM packet from e-st@r-II
  • Be the one to provide us the major number of recorded signals and TLM packets in the first month from deployment of e-st@r-II in space
Prizes are:
  • e-st@r-II poster with signatures of the team members
  • certificate to attest your achievement
  • celebration T-shirt
Once deployed into orbit, e-st@r-II will begin transmitting signals to Earth approximately 30 minutes after activation. Signals can be picked up by anyone with common amateur radio equipment. You can send the recorded signals (audio and/or waterfall) and TLM packets via email ( or upload it using the serviceDropItToMe (the password is radioham).


  • Status: LAUNCH ON 22/04/2016
  • Primary telemetry downlink: 437.485 MHz, 1200 Baud, AFSK, AX.25, 500mW
  • Transponder beacon: 437.485 MHz, CW, 500mW
  • TX interval (nominal): 2 min
  • Destination: “ALLALL”
  • Source: “ESTAR@2”
  • Callsign: alias E-STAR-II
  • TLM DECODING SOFTWARE: link (v1.1 – updated on 12/04/2016)
  • Additional info on the TLM packet are provided into the following document

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