giovedì 11 febbraio 2016

14th Russian WW PSK Contest 2016

Dear Fellow Radio Amateurs,

The Russian Digital Radio Club has the honour to invite the radio amateurs all over the world to participate in the 14th Russian WW PSK Contest 2016. The objective of the contest is to establish as many contacts as possible between radio amateurs around the world and radio amateurs in Russia.

We invite all fans of digital modes to take part in contest from 12.00 UTC on Saturday 20th February till 11:59 UTC on Sunday 21st February, 2016. 

Types of modulation: BPSK31, BPSK63, BPSK125. The repeated contacts are permitted on different bands and different modes providing that a contact will be made not earlier than in 3 minutes. The output power should not exceed 10 watts on 160 meters and 100 watts on other bands. The operator may change the bands no more than 10 times within calendar hour (with zero on 59-th minute of each hour). Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time. Bands: 160 m, 80 m, 40 m, 20 m, 15 m, 10 m. 

EPC recommends the following frequencies - 1.840 - 1.843 MHz, 3.582 - 3.590, 7.040 - 7.050 MHz, 14.072 - 14.080 MHz, 21.072 - 21.080 MHz, 28.072 - 28.080 MHz.

Categories (subgroup):
MOAB  - MULTI-ONE  -  Multi-Operator, Single Transmitter, All Bands  -  Club stations and SES stations;
SOAB  - SINGLE-OP ALL  -  Single-Operator, All Bands;
SOSB  - SINGLE-OP 160M; SINGLE-OP 80M; SINGLE-OP 40M; SINGLE-OP 20M; SINGLE-OP 15M; SINGLE-OP 10M  -  Single Operator, Single Band;
SOSWL - SINGLE-OP SWL  -  Single-Operator SWL, All Bands.

A separate category for the Russia and foreign participants:
 - World - all the countries except for Russia,
   - European Russia,
   - Asiatic Russia

17 PRIZES of RUS-WW-PSK 2016 are founded
Awards in electronic type will be awarded to WINNERS, PRIZEWINNERS and other PARTICIPANTS.

For more info please visit Russian WW PSK Contest 2016 Rules:

You should send your log upload via the Web interface  or via email
All logs must be sent no later than 5 days after the contest (23:59 UTC on 26th February 2016).

73! de Russian Digital Radio Club

Good contest, Claudio IK1XPK

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