domenica 14 febbraio 2016

3XY1T Los Island AF-051

Last news

Everything is ready as planned for our departure on February 17th, 2016. We anticipate arriving at Los Island (AF051) in the morning of Thursday 18th. 
The island does not have a power grid; our resort has a generator operating only during the night.
We rented two generators for daylight operations; as a consequence, there might be occasional breaks for the maintenance of this equipment.
We received several requests for RTTY activity. In order to offer such a “mode new one” to as many OMs as possible, we shall concentrate our RTTY operations on a single band, i.e. 15m.
In analyzing statistical data, we noticed that there is a high demand for this country in VK/ZL.
These stations are invited to use the cluster to warn us of possible openings.
Long-path openings to Japan will be closely monitored, and we suggest these stations to make use of propagation forecasts to optimize their chances.
We plan to have, as usual, our real-time online Log available via internet, with uploads every minute (barring connection problems). It can be accessed at the address
Also, the online QSL request (OQRS) will be active as from the very first QSO.
We advise to check the time/date of the latest online update, as shown on the Log entry page, before repeating a QSO.
Specific requests should be addressed ONLY to our pilot stations, IK7JWY Arturo and IK0FTA Sergio
(for the 6m band). The pilot stations can check and correct possible Log errors.
During the DXpedition do NOT send mail to I2YSB or other Team members, such messages will not be answered.
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Good Dx ... IK1XPK, Claudio

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