

domenica 31 gennaio 2016


“Battiti di ascolto”
è il Contest ARI  Radioascolto 2016  che vuole, nella sua stessa denominazione, riecheggiare l’emozione che il radioascolto trasmette a chi si lascia coinvolgere da questa passione che ci riporta alle radici della radio e del radiantismo. 
Un ringraziamento pubblico allo sponsor “HAM RADIO SHOP” che ha mostrato sensibilità alla cultura del radioascolto. 
Dal 5 al 12 Marzo 2016 ottimi ascolti a tutti i partecipanti al nostro Contest!

La manifestazione intende promuovere l’approccio al mondo radioamatoriale, attraverso la riscoperta del radioascolto, primi battiti di una passione sempre tutta da… scoprire. Uno step fondamentale per riscoprire il radiantismo. ARI CLUB Radioascolto organizza il 3° CONTEST RADIOASCOLTO dedicato agli appassionati di Radioascolto. L’iniziativa è  strutturata secondo la normativa che segue.

1) - Partecipazione
Sono ammessi a partecipare tutti gli appassionati di radioascolto (BC-listeners) soci ARI (OM o SWL) e non soci, italiani e stranieri. 

2) - Obiettivo
Ascoltare il maggior numero possibile di emittenti internazionali BC sulle bande, nei giorni e nelle fasce orarie previste, con particolare evidenza alle Stazioni italiane in Banda “Onde Medie”.

3) - Date ed orari
Il contest si svolge dalle ore 00.00 del 5 marzo 2016  alle ore 00. 00 UTC del 12 marzo 2015.

1) -  Bande
Il contest si svolge su tutte le gamme assegnate alle  BC  ovvero sulle seguenti porzioni di banda:
O.L.    da 150 a 350 khz
O.M.   da 530 a 1.650 khz
120 m. da 2.300 a 2.600 khz
90 m.  da 3.150 a 3.600 khz
75 m.  da 3.900 a 4.000 khz
60 m.  da 4.750 a 5.100 khz
49 m. da 5.750 a 6.300 khz
41 m. da 7.150 a 7.650 khz
31 m. da 9.250 a 9.990 khz
25 m. da 11.500 a 12.200 khz
22 m. da 13.500 a 13.990 khz
19 m. da 15.100 a 15.890 khz
16 m. da 17.480 a 17.900 khz
15 m. da 18.800 a 19.050 khz
13 m. da 21.450 a 21.990 khz
11 m. da 25.500 a 26.100 khz

Modi: AM , SSB
5) - Limitazioni
a)Tutti gli ascolti dovranno avere una durata non inferiore a 15’ minuti e conterranno  le informazioni utili ai fini della valutazione: frequenza (kHz), orario UTC, nominativo della emittente, lingua, dettagli dell’ascolto effettuato, valutazione in codice SINPO.
b) Una stessa stazione (BC) non potrà comparire a Log più di due volte, nella stessa data.

6) - Punteggio
a) Ogni ascolto sarà valutato come di seguito indicato:
Stazioni europee (escluso Italia) in OM ed OL: 10 punti.
Stazioni extraeuropee in OM :…………………    50 punti.
Stazioni OM (Onde Medie) in Italia:…………  100 punti.
Bande 120, 90, 75 e 60 metri:………………….  10 punti;
Tutte le altre bande :……………………………….5 punti .
Ascolti confermati da QSL (cartacea o via email) : 50 punti.
Per tutti, gli ascolti di Stazioni Broadcasting operanti “fuori gamma”saranno valutati in 25 punti. Ai fini del punteggio (20 punti ) valgono anche le stazioni che trasmettono segnali campione orari e frequenza.
b) Per ottenere l’accredito del bonus di punti 50 per ogni conferma ricevuta, sarà necessario allegare copia QSL di conferma.

7) - Log cartacei e Log su CD.
a) I Log possono essere inviati in formato cartaceo oppure su CD in normale tabella formato.doc
b) All'indirizzo e-mail del Contest Manager a.gallerati@radioascolto.it  si può richiedere campione del Modulo predisposto per la compilazione in formato doc. (come si osserva in figura)
c) I Log, con allegate copie delle QSL di conferma vanno inviati a mezzo “prioritario” entro e non oltre il 12 Aprile 2016 all’indirizzo del Contest Manager: Alfredo Gallerati; ARI - Club Radioascolto- P.O. Box 21 - 76121 Barletta (BT). Farà fede la data del timbro postale.
d) Ai fini della valutazione, il Contest Manager procederà alle verifiche, all’accredito del punteggio ed alla designazione dei vincitori del contest.
e) La classifica sarà pubblicata in RR e sul portale www.ari.it   

8) Classifica e Premi
Entro il 12 Maggio 2016 sarà stilata una classifica da pubblicare in RR e sul portale www.ari.it
I Premi sono stati gentilmente offerti dallo sponsor: HAMRADIO  Shop

Premio al 1°classificato: 
CW Reader Decoder e trainer per radioamatori;

Premio al 2° classificato: 
Filtro JG “88-108 MHz” (disponibile con connettore BNCo SMA).

I premi ai vincitori saranno direttamente inviati da HAMRADIO Shop.

Il Contest Manager è a disposizione per ulteriori eventuali utili informazioni al seguente indirizzo postale : IK7JGI  Alfredo Gallerati - C.P. 21 - 76121 Barletta (Ba) 

9) - Log, copie QSL, CD ed altri documenti inviati non saranno restituibili.

10) - Ai fini della valutazione e designazione dei vincitori, le decisioni del Contest Team
saranno finali ed inappellabili. Negli eventuali casi di irregolarità riscontrate ed accertate, in rapporto alla loro entità, il Contest Manager ha facoltà di applicare una penalizzazione (p. 50) sul punteggio attribuito, ovvero la esclusione del partecipante stesso dal Contest.

Diamo uno sguardo ai premi in palio.


Ditta HAM RADIO SHOP (www.hamradioshop.it) 
di Dino Tersigni (IZ0IIY).

Kit Scheda CW Reader Decoder

Il CW Reader Decoder e trainer per radioamatori è un kit utilissimo per l’apprendimento della telegrafia.Il lettore viene alimentato con 9V DC. 
Dati tecnici:   
1) Ingresso: DC 9V
2) Frequenza di uscita Tune: 600Hz ~ 1200Hz
3) Potenza di uscita: 0,5 W
4) Velocità dell' interpretazione audio CW: 10 ~ 40 (tasso di errore del 10%) (100% corretto, senza errore di velocità è di 15 ~ 35).
5) Keyer di ingresso: jack da 3,5 mm
6) Ingresso audio: jack da 3,5 mm ( è possibile utilizzare anche un singolo canale).
Breve descrizione . Nella parte inferiore della Scheda vi è un potenziometro per la regolazione del tasso di errore, così da interpretare in modo agevole il segnale audio CW. Quando si usa un computer per eseguire il segnale CW e quando il LED visibile in basso a sx lampeggia, si può regolare il potenziometro per verificare se il contenuto è gestibile dal computer. In caso contrario, si deve ruoterà il potenziometro in senso contrario e di ripeterà il test. 

Filtro “JG” 88-108 MHz per ricevitori

Premi Speciali messi a disposizione dall'ARI ai primi 20 classificati:

- 10 Volumi Ascoltare le Onde Corte

- 10 Volumi Storia del Radiantismo Italiano

Nell'immagine il modello LOG che potete fotocopiare e richiedere, via Email, all'indirizzo della nostra rubrica.

Per trarre il maggior numero di change durante la “caccia” sulle varie frequenze, vorrei dare un semplice ma utile suggerimento, per chi, durante il Contest, volesse velocizzare la ricerca e l’individuazione delle Stazioni. Si può provare a consultare il motore di ricerca http://www.short-wave.info/, una guida che ci presenta la situazione, banda per banda, in tempo reale.

Buon Contest a tutti!  73’s de Alfredo Gallerati, IK7JGI 

Da  parte mia, oltre che ad applaudire all'iniziativa dell'ARI, consiglio l'utilizzo di software Log che permettono l'archiviazione oltre che l'esportazione degli ascolti in vari formati, una rassega di Log al seguente link: 

......... a tutti buon contest  ... che la propagazione sia con Voi !!

IK1XPK, Claudio

domenica 24 gennaio 2016


14 February 2016
1. Organiser: Federatia Romana de Radioamatorism / Romanian Federation of Amateur Radio (FRR)
The other Balkan Amateur Radio societies are kindly requested to organise 2017 contest.

2. Participants: Only radio amateurs from Balkan countries, which national Amateur Radio societies have been members of IARU*, i.e. with callsigns, starting with (in alphabetical order): 4O, 5B, 9A, C4, E7, ER, H2, J4, LZ, P3, S5, SV, SW, SX, SY, SZ, TA, TB, TC, YM, YO, YP, YQ, YR, YT, YU, Z3, ZA, ZC4.

3. Objective: To contact as many as possible radio amateurs from Balkan countries* (including own country) with as many as possible prefixes (see bellow).

4. Date and Time: From 12:00 UTC to 18:00 UTC (total 6 hours) on Sunday on second weekend of February. For 2016 it is 14 February.

5. Bands: 3.5 MHz and 7 MHz. Change of the band requires at least 10 minutes activity on the new band.

6. Modes: CW, SSB, Mixed.

7. Categories: Category A – Power permitted to the amateur according his/her license, but not exceeding 1000 W INPUT and Category B – Power not exceeding 10 W INPUT (QRP). The participants in this category transmit /QRP after their callsign (e.g. LZ1US/QRP).

8. Exchange: CW – RST report plus the consequent number of the QSO (e.g. 589023), SSB – RS report plus the consequent number of the QSO (e.g. 57006). In case of changing the mode or band the sequence of numbers continues.

9. Multipliers: Separately for each band – the number of Balkan prefixes contacted on the relevant band. For the purposes of this contest a different prefix is each callsign that differs in its first three marks. Therefore LZ6, LZ7, SV3, SV4, Z31, Z32, TA1, TA2 etc. are different multipliers, but LZ07KM counts as LZ0, YO2014A counts as YO2, ER650MD counts as ER6, etc. Participation from area with prefix different from original counts as that prefix (e.g. SV0XCA/5 counts as SV5).

10. Allowed contacts: Only one (1) contact with any station is valid on each band, independently on the mode (e.g. if LZ6Y makes a contact with ZA1RE on 7 MHz / CW, another contact between them on the same band, regardless on CW, or on SSB, shall not be valid; one (1) contact between them on 3.5 MHz shall be valid).

11. QSO Points: Each contact with category A station is worth one (1) point while each contact with category B station is worth two (2) points. Repeated contacts with the same correspondent on the same band are worth zero (0) points for both (initial and repeated)
contacts. Contacts logged with more than 5 minutes difference from the real time are also worth zero (0) points.

12. Final score: The final score for both categories is the sum of QSO points on 3.5 MHz band, multiplied by the multiplier on this band, plus QSO points on 7 MHz band, multiplied by the multiplier on this band (e.g. if Z32TY has contacted 20 stations on 3.5 MHz, 3 of them QRP, number of contacted prefixes 15 and 25 stations on 7 MHz, 5 of them QRP, number of contacted prefixes 18, his final score shall be (17+6)x15 + (20+10)x18 = 345+540 = 885 points).

13. Classification: Separately for Category A and Category B. No difference between CW only, SSB only or mixed.

14. Logs: All times must be in UTC (GMT). Logs must be checked for duplicate contacts, correct QSO points, and multipliers. Electronic logs in Cabrillo format sent by e-mail are compulsory. Write down Balkan Contest and your callsign in Subject line. Submit your logs to the addresses in the Appendix.

15. Deadline: All entries must be sent by e-mail not later than one week after the date of the contest – 21.february.2016 – 23.59 UTC.

16. Disqualification: Violations of amateur radio regulations, the rules of the contest, unsportsmanlike conduct, use of any non-amateur means of contacts (such as telephone, Internet etc.) will be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification. The decision of the organising society is official and final.

17. Awards: Plaques will be awarded for top performance to first ten (10) amateurs in category A and first three (3) in category B, as well as best participant from each country. Winners in each category are promulgated Balkan HF Champions.

Appendix: Balkan Amateur Radio societies are kindly requested to organise next contests. Each society, that have agreed to be organiser of the contest, is consequently responsible for collecting the logs, calculating and announcing the results and dispatching the awards within one month from the date of the contest according the following list:
2016 – Federatia Romana de Radioamatorism / Romanian Federation of Amateur Radio (FRR) 

E-mail address for logs: logs@hamradio.ro

2017 – To be announced

* For that contest the amateurs from the following Balkan countries, with national Amateur Radio societies members of IARU, have been allowed to participate (in alphabetical order): Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, FYRO Macedonia, Greece, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, and Turkey.

IK1XPK, Claudio.

giovedì 21 gennaio 2016

SWL Contest -VERON

SWL - Short Listening Period - contests

Contest rules VERON SLP contests

Summary: The SLP's are short listening period contests, taking place 8 times a year. In order to participate to the contest one should listen 3 times one hour in the contest weekend and try to log as much different prefixes and countries as possible. The final score is the sum of the prefixes of each band multiplied by the sum of the heard DXCC-countries logged on each band.
A logged contact is complete when you have noted: Frequency/Band - Date - Time(UTC) - Call of the heard station - Call of the counter station - Report of the heard station including, if applicable, contest extensions.
Only contacts in phone on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 m bands are allowed for the contest and count all for one point.
One should stay at the same band for at least 10 minutes and a counter station may not return in the log within 5 minutes.
Give SWL-contesting a try an send your log with score calculation to the contest manager Ruud Ivens,  NL290(at)veron.nl , or to his home address (see pt. 10 below), within a month after the contest weekend.

Detailed description

1. The SLP-contests are open to SWL's all over the world.

2. The contest dates in 2016 are:

    1.     30/31 January
    2.     5/6 March
    3.     26/27 March
    4.    14/15 May
    5.    25/26 June
    6.    9/10 July
    7.    10/11 September
    8.    29/30 October

3. Only phone contacts are permitted on the bands: 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meter.

4. During each contest weekend only 3 hours in the period Saturday 00.00 UTC and Sunday 24.00 UTC are valid for the SLP-log. These 3 hours may be divided in blocks of one, two or three hours (1+1+1 or 2+1 or 1+2 or 3 sequential hours). Each block has to start at the beginning of an hour. Of course one may listen much longer than three hours but submit a log of only 3 hours sampled.

5. You have to log as much different prefixes and DXCC-entities as possible. Each heard station can be logged completely when you heard it mentioning the own call, the call of the counter station (working) and the report given  (including contest extensions).  There's no need to hear the counter station.  In case you also may hear the counter station and its report, you may use that station as a separate log entry.  A prefix is valid if it is conform to the WPX-rules and a country if it is conform to the DXCC-rules. Each prefix counts for one point and each country for one multiplier.  On each band a prefix only counts once and a country too. On another band the prefixes and countries count again.  The total score is calculated by multiplying the overall number of prefixes (sum of all bands) by the overall number of multipliers (sum of all bands)

6. You have to apply a separate log sheet for each band (not necessary for e-mail logs). Note your SWL-call, frequency/band and sheet number on top of each sheet. A log has to contain: Date, Time (UTC), Station heard, call of the counter station, report including the contest extension, the prefix point and the multiplier, indicated by the DXCC-entity. A heard station not participating in the running contest will probably exchange a report without sequence number or contest extension; in that case only the RS report is sufficient.  Calculate the score on a summary sheet. On the summary sheet you also have to put the number of sheets, your complete name, address and a short description of the equipment used.  The summary sheet also has to contain a statement that you observed the rules of the contest. Logs sent via E-mail are very welcome, preferably in Cabrillo format, another type of plain TXT (ASCII) with tab or comma between the fields, MS-WORD or MS-EXCEL.  An E-mail log may be in order of time; in that case a split by band is not required under the restriction that each logged contact contains a band indication in the line.

7. Only contacts between amateur radio stations are valid. A station in the column "worked" (counter station) only may return in the log after 5 minutes. One has to stay on the same band for at least 10 minutes. One may use only one receiver at the same time and only single operator class is allowed. Duplicate logged stations, too early returned counter stations, duplicate prefixes and other log lines without points should be marked by -- or 0 in the column for the points (when you work out the log later, you may also delete these log lines). Logs with serious errors or too many mistakes will be put aside. In case of doubt concerning the validity of a logged contact the contest manager decides. Signing the log means you observed the contest rules.

8. The use of WebSDR for the logging in this contest is not permitted; the SWL should only operate with own receiver and antenna.

9. In every SLP contest a souvenir is available for the highest classification, not having won a souvenir earlier during the running year (you only may win a souvenir once a year, but you also have a chance scoring the 2nd, 3rd or even the 4th place in a contest). The Daan Dekker Memorial will be awarded to the overall winner of this years SLP-contest sequence, summing the 6 best results.  SWL's participating to at least 3 SLP-contests will be certified at the end of the sequence.

10. The contest results will be published in the ham radio magazine of the VERON - Electron, by E-mail and on the Internet: 

11. The log of each separate contest should be sent to the contest manager within one month after the contest weekend (the postmark is decisive):  Ruud Ivens, NL-290, Hittekamp 29, 3956 RE Leersum, The Netherlands. Or via E-mail: NL290(at)veron.nl. The reception of E-mail logs will be confirmed.

Digital logs are very welcome: see rule 6.  If paper log: write good readable.  When you log totally more than 20 entries on any band, a checklist of prefixes and multipliers is preferred. It helps you and us with checking the logs.

SP7DQR SWL Contest Software


IK1XPK, Claudio.

sabato 16 gennaio 2016

Radio MI Amigo - Schedule

Dear Radio Mi Amigo International friends,
Just a short message to let you know that -as one of the fastest growing Radio Stations on
Europes airwaves- we are always on the move!
This weekend we are adding 2 Stereo FM frequencies: 92.3 and 106 FM in Spain, Costa
Blanca and very soon we hope to add a new Medium Wave service in Central Europe.
But we also noticed that -after some major improvements to our stereo webstream more and
more listeners tune in online to enjoy our great selection of unique and carefully picked songs
from ‘The Golden Era of Offshore Radio' as a continuous background to their daily activities.
Therefore we thought it might be convenient for you to have the full updated schedule
for our 24/7 web stream as a separate pdf file to print or keep at hand.
Of course this schedule, plus all Shortwave- Medium Wave and FM schedules and their
frequencies and much more, such as bio's of our DJ’s, details and pictures of our transmitters,
links to the WebSDR, Facebook and Mixcloud, the Mi Amigo Webshop and our guestbook can
be found on our new and daily updated website: www.radiomiamigointernational.com (in 3
languages: English, Dutch and German).
We hope to have made it easier for you to enjoy our programmes and if you do: please
drop us a line via email or in our guestbook, we'd love to hear from you!
Best regards from all of us here at Radio Mi Amigo International,
Kord Lemkau.

Please find attached our online webstream schedule:

Overview of Radio Mi Amigo International’s daily shows via our 24/7 online stereo web stream
All times are Central (Middle) European Time.

Direct links to our web stream on every page of our website: www.radiomiamigointernational.com.
In the ‘Listen’-section you will also find links to all other ways you can receive us, such as the Online WebSDR radio receiver.

Monday – Friday:
08.00 CET - Ook goeie Morgen - Ton Polderman (Dutch)
09.00 CET - Bruno’s Soulbox – Bruno (English)
10.00 CET - Hello to the World – Lion Keezer (Dutch)
11.00 CET - Paul Newman’s Radio Shack - Paul Newman (English) (English)
12.00 CET - Schoon Schip - Peter de Wit (Dutch)
13.00 CET - Rockin' Ron's Time Machine - Ron O'Quinn (English)
14.00 CET - Hello Europe! - Live online and on Shortwave 6005 kHz: various DJ's (English, Dutch, German)
15.00 CET - Rewind (US Top 100 - 70s/ - 80s) – Mike Uhini (German)
17.00 CET - Jeffrey's Stenen Tijdperk - Jeffrey Williams (Dutch)
18.00 CET - Flashback - Cpt. Kord (German)
19.00 CET - Hello Europe! - Live online and on Shortwave 3985 kHz: various DJ's (English, Dutch, German)
20.00 CET - Hello Europe! (repeat from last week) - various DJ's (English, Dutch, German)
21.00 CET - The Golden Era of Offshore Radio – music non stop
08.00 CET - Ook Goeie Morgen - Ton Polderman (Dutch) – also on SW 6005 kHz
09.00 CET - Rockin' Ron's Time Machine - Ron O'Quinn (English) – also on SW 6005 kHz
10.00 CET - Rewind-US Top 100 70’s/80’s - Mike Uhini (German) – also on SW 6005 and 9560 kHz
11.00 CET - Rewind-US Top 100 - Mike Uhini - part 2 (German) – also on SW 6005 and 9560 kHz
12.00 CET - Flashback - Cpt. Kord (German) – also on SW 6005 and 9560 kHz
13.00 CET - Schoon Schip - Peter de Wit (Dutch) – also on SW 6005 and 9560 kHz
14.00 CET - The Golden Era of Offshore Radio – music non stop
20.00 CET - Rockin' Ron's Time Machine - Ron O'Quinn (English) – also on FM 92.3 and 106.0
21.00 CET - Rewind-US Top 100 70’s/80’s - Mike Uhini (German) – also on FM 92.3 and 106.0
22.00 CET - Rewind-US Top 100 - Mike Uhini - Teil 2 (German) – also on FM 92.3 and 106.0
23.00 CET - Flashback - Cpt. Kord (German) – also on FM 92.3 and 106.0 and MW 1485 kHz
00.00 CET - Schoon Schip - Peter de Wit (Dutch) – also on FM 92.3 and 106.0 and MW 1485 kHz
01.00 CET - Ook Goeie Morgen - Ton Polderman (Dutch) – also on FM 92.3 and 106.0
02.00 CET - The Golden Era of Offshore Radio – music non stop
08.00 CET - Bruno's Soulbox - Bruno Hantson (English) – also on SW 6005 kHz
09.00 CET - Hello to the world - Lion Keezer (Dutch) – also on SW 6005 kHz
10.00 CET - Paul Newman’s Radio Shack - Paul Newman (English) – also on SW 6005 and 9560 kHz
11.00 CET - Jeffrey's Stenen Tijdperk - Jeffrey Williams (Dutch) – also on also on SW 6005 and 9560 kHz
12.00 CET - Bruno's Soulbox - Bruno Hantson (English) – also on SW 7310 and 9560 kHz
13.00 CET - Hello to the world - Lion Keezer (Dutch) – also on SW 7310 and 9560 kHz
14.00 CET - Radio Shack - Paul Newman (English) – also on SW 7310 and 9560 kHz
15.00 CET - Jeffrey's Stenen Tijdperk - Jeffrey Williams (Dutch) – also on SW 7310 and 9560 kHz
16.00 CET - The Golden Era of Offshore Radio – music non stop
20.00 CET - Bruno's Soulbox - Bruno Hantson (English) – also on FM 92.3 and 106.0 and MW 1485 kHz
21.00 CET - Hello to the world - Lion Keezer (Dutch) – also on FM 92.3 and 106.0 and MW 1485 kHz
22.00 CET - Paul Newman’s Radio Shack - Paul Newman (English) – also on FM 92.3 and 106.0 and MW 1485 kHz
23.00 CET - Jeffrey's Stenen Tijdperk - Jeffrey Williams (Dutch) – also on FM 92.3 and 106.0 and MW 1485 kHz
00.00 CET - The Golden Era of Offshore Radio – music non stop

SW frequencies 6005, 7310 and 9560 kHz are available in most parts of Europe (depending on reception conditions)
MW frequency 1485 AM available in the Baltic States, parts of Scandinavia, Eastern Germany and parts of Russia
FM frequencies 92,3 and 106 FM available in Spain, Costa Blanca.


IK1XPK, Claudio

venerdì 8 gennaio 2016

Antenna Ferritica

Una ottima antenna per l'ascolto delle VLF, articolo tratto dal newsletter della Sezione ARI di Milano.

 L'articolo completo di Pietro I2BUM è leggibile sul numero 457 del NR.

IK1XPK, Claudio.

domenica 3 gennaio 2016


L’IQRP CLUB, associazione che riunisce i radioamatori italiani e stranieri cultori delle trasmissioni a bassa potenza (QRP), con il patrocinio della Sezione ARI di Montebelluna (TV) Italy, promuove ed organizza, con l’intento di incentivare le trasmissioni in QRP,  la prima edizione della:


la Maratona è da considerarsi World-Wide per cui è possibile e auspicabile collegare qualsiasi stazione italiana o straniera  durante la prima settimana di ogni trimestre del 2016.
da lunedì 4 gennaio a domenica 10 gennaio (IQRP MARATHON FIRST QUARTERLY)
da lunedì 4 aprile a domenica 10 aprile (IQRP MARATHON SECOND QUARTERLY)
da lunedì 4 luglio a domenica 10 luglio  (IQRP MARATHON THIRD QUARTERLY)
da lunedì 3 ottobre a domenica 9 ottobre  (IQRP MARATHON FOURTH QUARTERLY)

dalle ore 08,00 UTC del lunedì fino alle ore 20,00 UTC della domenica. 
Sono ammessi QSO in CW, FONIA (SSB), MODI DIGITALI (RTTY e PSK31) effettuati nelle bande HF, VHF, UHF.  

Le chiamate in CW dovranno essere così effettuate CQ IQRP MAR de (CALL) QRP.  Le chiamate in Fonia dovranno essere così effettuate CQ IQRP Marathon  from (CALL) QRP

La massima potenza ammessa è di 5 Watt 

1 punto a QSO. Vengono considerati come moltiplicatore soltanto i KM del QSO con maggior QRB. Per calcolare il moltiplicatore  il numero dei KM verrà diviso per 100.  (KM/100).  

Sarà stilata una classifica separata per ogni settimana e, sommando i singoli punteggi, a fine anno si otterrà la classifica generale. I risultati inerenti alle singole settimane verranno pubblicati sul sito www.arimontebelluna.it

I log di ogni singola settimana vanno spediti entro le due settimane successive, solo in formato ADIF,  come allegati all'indirizzo email:
Nel testo dell’e-mail dovranno essere indicati i due locatori (quello del partecipante e quello dell’OM con cui si è fatto il QSO con il migliore QRB) al fine di poter calcolare il moltiplicatore. In mancanza dei locator non ci sarà moltiplicatore.  
Non saranno accettati Log in formato diverso o Log cartacei.

saranno premiate le prime 3 stazioni classificate per ognuna delle 4 tornate.
Saranno inoltre premiate le prime 3 stazioni classificate nella graduatoria assoluta.
Maggiori informazioni saranno rese disponibili sul sito www.arimontebelluna.it .


Con l’invio del Log ciascun partecipante dichiara di aver letto e compreso il Regolamento della Maratona. 
Inoltre dichiarerà:
1) di aver operato secondo le leggi e i regolamenti previsti per il Servizio di Radioamatore del proprio paese di appartenenza.
2) di non aver usato potenze oltre i 5 Watt.
3) che il proprio Log possa essere reso di pubblico dominio.
4) di accettare ogni decisione degli organizzatori.

Marathon is considered World-wide it is possible and desirable for any Italian or foreign station during the first week of each quarter of 2016.

From Monday 4th January to Sunday 10th January (IQRP MARATHON FIRST QUARTER)
From Monday 4th April to Sunday 10th April (IQRP MARATHON SECOND QUARTER)
From Monday 4th July to Sunday 10th July (IQRP MARATHON THIRD QUARTER)
From Monday 3th October to Sunday 9th January (IQRP MARATHON FOURTH QUARTER)

from Monday 08:00 am UTC to Sunday 08:00 pm

QSO in CW, PHONE (SSB), DIGITAL MODES (RTTY and PSK31) are allowed in the bands HF,VHF, UHF

CW calls must be made as follows: CQ IQRP MAR de (CALL) QRP.
Phone calls must be made as follows: CQ IQRP Marathon from (CALL) QRP

Maximum power allowed: 5W

1 point for each QSO. Only the Km of the QSO with greatest QRB are considered as a multiplier, which is calculated by dividing the number of Km by 100 (Km/100) .

A separate ranking will be drafted for each week and published www.arimontebelluna.it. The final ranking will be the sum of each score.

The logs of each week will be mailed within the following two weeks only in ADIF format in attachment to iqrp@arimontebelluna.it. The two locators (both of the participant and of the OM with whom QSO with the best QRB was made) will be indicated in the body of the message in order to calculate the multiplier. In absence of locators no multiplier will be calculated. Printed logs or in other formats will not be accepted. 

The first three stations of the ranking of each quarter will be awarded. Furthermore the first three stations of the final ranking will be awarded.

Upon communicating his/her own log each participant declares to have read and understood the Rules of the Marathon as well as:
1. to have operated according to laws and rules provided by his/her own Country for the Radio Amateur Service
2. not to have used power greater than 5W.
3. that his/her own log may be put into public domain
4. to accept any decision of the organizers.

CW Europe
SSB Europe

IK1XPK, Claudio 
IQRP #858

venerdì 1 gennaio 2016


Logbook of special stations "IARU 90"

Special stations according to IARU 90 years.

Search QSO by your callsign for 90°IARU Award

Search QSO by your callsign for 90°IARU Award - SRR

 My Award

QSL example.

'73 de IK1XPK, Claudio.